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Rami Sarieddine's Blog Posts

Cannot connect to Docker daemon from bash on windows

Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Got me on my feet for few days. I have been trying to run Docker in bash ubuntu on windows (Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), as the official name goes). But I kept getting this error message: “Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?“. Docker was working fine on my Windows Machine and if I run the same commands on Powershell, it would work perfectly.…

Move wordpress site to web apps on linux

I just moved this blog, a WordPress site from Azure Web Apps and MySQL on VM to Web Apps on Linux and Azure Database for MySQL. and it was quite easy. So I thought I’d share with you my experience on how to move WordPress site to Web Apps on Linux. The site was hosted on Azure App Service which runs on Windows Server 2012 and the Database was a MySQL on Azure Linux VM. So it…

Deploy Ruby App to Azure Web Apps

Hello friends. I was trying to deploy a Ruby application to Azure Web Apps now that it supports running Ruby (2.3) application stack natively on Linux with the Azure Web App on Linux (In Preview at the time of writing this post).  And I thought I’d share the steps I took and the issues I stumbled on during. Although you were previously able to run Ruby on Rails Web applications on an Azure VM, running a Ruby…

Integrating Azure Application Insights with WordPress sites

I just wrapped up integrating Azure Application Insights with WordPress sites, which is my Blog here. I thought I’d share with you how I did it. First, a brief into about Application Insights for those who don’t know what it is. In short, Visual Studio Application Insights (previously Application Insights) is a cloud-based service from Microsoft Azure that allows you to analyze performance and usage of your web apps hosted on Azure or on your own IIS…

A whole lotta free stuff with Visual Studio Dev Essentials

I recently created a new Visual Studio account to share some code and collaborate with friends. Low and behold, I received an email to activate my “Visual Studio Dev Essentials membership” which include a good and long list of benefits and free stuff! Some of which are: Visual Studio Tools and Services $25/month of Azure Cloud credits for 1 year Xamarin University Training 6-month subscription to Pluralsight SQL Server 2014 Developer Edition Microsoft R Server Developer Edition (Allows you…

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